To support research integrating spatial concepts, CISR is actively engaged in spatial methods and technologies including geographic information systems, advanced spatial modeling and statistics; spatial databases, spatial tool and application development, internet mapping services, satellite and airborne image processing, cartographic visualization, and field-oriented GIS and sampling methods.
CISR is prepared to provide a full suite of spatial research support services to any person, department, college, or organization that wants to establish a GIS or expand their current GIS/Remote Sensing capabilities. These range from limited consultation to complete design, coordination and execution of projects incorporating spatial technologies and methods. For more information please contact us.
CISR can offer expertise and service in the following areas:

Cartographic Map Production
A map is a visual representation that shows all or part of the Earth’s surface with a combination of physical, political, and thematic features. A good map has a form, a focus, a style, and a perspective that suit it to its intended use. Good cartographic design always focuses on integrating cartographic and design principles, dedicated graphics software and spatial data to communicate through attractive, readable, and clear maps.

Geographic Information Systems
A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. When mapping with GIS software, data are pulled from underlying databases that allow us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal unique spatial relationships, patterns, and trends.

Global Positioning Systems and Field Data Acquisition
Field data collection, including Global Positioning System (GPS) and coordinate surveying, is often a fundamental task for any ongoing projet which requires spatial data. Successfullly acquiring spatial data in situ requires experience with multiple techniques in field data collection and planning, appropriate use and limitation of field methods or data, and integration with other relevant spatial data and systems.

Internet Mapping Services and Application Development
Internet Mapping Services (IMS) enable the distribution of geographic information and spatial tools over the Internet or an intranet. Combining the power of GIS, application development, and state of the art web technology, allows for the development of simple, elegant tools and interfaces for even the most challenging of applications. Such solutions for delivering spatially-focused services are commonly requested today.

Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry/Image Processing and Analysis
Remote Sensing is a technology for sampling electromagnetic energy emanating from distant objects in order to extract information about features, objects, and classes on the Earth’s surface. The primary focus is in the interpretation and processing of aerial and satellite imagery using specialized algorithms, multispectral, hyperspectral, and object based image analysis methods to produce high quality raster data products for use in a wide variety of GIS applications.

Spatial Database Design and Modeling
Geodatabase data model design is an important component in any successful large-scale GIS architecture. The design of a geodatabase will affect the efficiency of queries, overall data storage space, application functionality, and data maintenance. The effective design and implementation of spatially enabled databases involves the use of tested design techniques, standard diagramming tools and hardware and software needed to produce carefully thought-out databases.

Spatial Modeling and Statistics
Spatial modeling and statistics include a large suite of analytical approaches that incorporate the topological, geometric, or geographic properties of entities to assess spatial relationships and distributions. Advanced spatial modeling generally employs techniques for spatial interpolation, spatial statistics, static/descriptive, predictive and spatio-temporal modeling, as well as, an intimate understanding of each methods functional limitation.

Spatial Software Application Development
As more and more disciplines collect spatially aware information, GIS is being used to help answer complex and unique questions. However, out-of-the-box software often does not provide all the necessary tools to meet those challenges, so customized application and tools must be developed. These include integrating external programs and custom extensions, building models, and creating geoprocessing tools through available programming languages.