
GIS Software

ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro: visualizing and exploring geospatial data

ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro, produced by ESRI, are a comprehensive set of professional GIS applications for exploring, visualizing, collecting, mapping and analyzing geospatial data.

If you are a UCSC affiliate with a valid CruzID, click here for more information about accessing ArcGIS.

ArcGIS Server: serving comprehensive GIS applications via the internet

ArcGIS Server is a component of ArcGIS Enterprise that provides for development of rich internet applications and services for mapping, analysis, data collection, editing, and management of geospatial information.

ArcGIS Image Server: serving geospatial imagery via the internet

ArcGIS Image Server extends the capabilities of ArcGIS Server by enabling dynamic mosaicking, on-the-fly processinga, and fast simplified delivery of large volumes of images from multiple sources via the internet.

ArcSDE: managing spatial data in an enterprise database management system

ArcSDE technology is a core component of ArcGIS Server and enables enterprise relational database management system (RDBMS) to store spatial data. ArcSDE provides multiple GIS clients in an organization a central location to access and manage spatial data.

Additional Software

The following software is available in our facilities. A large suite of applications provides state-of-the-art capabilities for image processing, mapping, modeling, statistical analysis, and visualization.

Adobe Creative Cloud: graphic design software

Adobe Creative Cloud, made by Adobe Systems, is an extensive collection of graphic design and web development applications including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat and more.

ERDAS: remote sensing and image analysis

ERDAS, by Leica Geosystems, is another software for processing and analyzing imagery to enhance other GIS applications. The two main software products available are ERDAS Imagine and the Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS).

GPS Pathfinder Office: field mapping preparation and processing

GPS Pathfinder Office, by Trimble, is for preparing and using Trimble GPS and field mapping hardware. GPS Pathfinder Office enables for the pre-planning of field sessions, generation of data dictionaries, and differential correction for vastly improving the accuracy of GPS positions.

MATLAB: advanced computing, statistical analysis, and graphics

MATLAB, by MathWorks, is a software environment for data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. MATLAB provides tools and functions for signal and image processing, test and measurement, statistical analysis, and computational biology.

PostgreSQL (with PostGIS): enterprise database management system

PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database management system with the feature set and reliability of an enterprise class database. PostGIS is a project which adds support for geographic objects in PostgreSQL, allowing it to be used as a repository for spatial data.

R Statistics: advanced statistical analysis and graphics

R is an open source software environment for advanced statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, etc.), graphical, and spatial techniques.

Field equipment

Trimble GPS Pathfinder: field mapping hardware

The Trimble GPS Pathfinder is a precision real-time geographic data collection system paired with the Pathfinder Office software.

Last modified: Dec 04, 2024